Julia Kristeva | site officiel






On the occasion of the publication of


The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva, ed. Sara G. Beardsworth, in The Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court Publishing Company, 2020  and of   At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva, by Alice Jardine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.





A Webinar hosted by La Maison Française, New York University


March 17, 2021     11:30-3:30pm EST, Paris, France +5: 16h30-20h30


Please register for the webinar at the Maison Française website:







Décalage horaire Paris +5 heures 16h30-20h30 (autres fuseaux horaires: time.is/)


Please register for the webinar at the Maison Française website:












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